Who we are: About Phoenix Contact
We are the centre of excellence at Phoenix Contact for cloud services and data analytics in industrial automation.

About Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co. KG
Phoenix Contact is a globally present, Germany-based market leader. Our group is synonymous with future-oriented components, systems, and solutions in the fields of electrical engineering, electronics, and automation.
A global network across more than 100 countries and 22,000 employees ensure close proximity to our customers, which we believe is particularly important.
Hi there! We are the centre of excellence at Phoenix Contact for cloud services and data analytics in industrial automation. We love to create use case-oriented Smart Services to empower small and mid-sized companies to take full advantage of digitization and Industrial IoT. Our goal: Maximum simplicity, maximum transparency.
Our daily business: Smartification made simple!
At Phoenix Contact Smart Business GmbH we develop software services for the entire Phoenix Contact Group in the fields of development, operations, and sales: Software-as-a-Service. We are a growing team with currently 22 employees located in Bad Pyrmont and Berlin.
Our core competencies: Cloud technology, data analytics, software services
Cloud-based services based on Industrial IoT technologies enable users to gain an overview of the status of their application – anywhere and at any time. Using various algorithms for forecasting, optimizing, and controlling, energy management can be made more efficient, system downtime reduced, and system availability increased.

Maschinenraum: Co-Creating the Next Generation of Mittelstand
Phoenix Contact Smart Business GmbH is located in Bad Pyrmont and Berlin. Combining the proximity to the Phoenix Contact Group in Bad Pyrmont and Blomberg together with offices at the shared innovation ecosystem in Berlin – the “Maschinenraum”.
Maschinenraum brings together German Mittelstand & family-owned businesses to create desirable futures for generations to come. We aggregate future topics, blend individual experiences and integrate required resources and knowledge to share. We unite German Mittelstand, because we believe in the power of the collective to empower organizations individually.
Empowering the All Electric Society
The key to sustainable business success is keeping track of the world’s true needs, and constantly offering the best possible solutions to meet them. This can only be achieved by adapting constantly to an ever-changing world.
As a globally acting company Phoenix Contact pursues a clear vision of the future: Empowering the All Electric Society. And, we believe that technology is the key to the solution.
Therefore, we at Phoenix Contact want to join you in taking new paths so that we can take meaningful advantage of these enormous opportunities for a sustainable and renewable development in energy, infrastructure, building, mobility, and industry sectors together. For sustainable, cost-effective development. For a future worth living.
At Phoenix Contact Smart Business GmbH we actively contribute to Empowering the All Electric Society by enabling data exchange between sectors, machines and devices. Sector coupling is one of the key technologies of energy transition. Yet, not only the physical coupling of sectors is complex. The coupling on an informational level represents an enormous challenge. Smart Services and cloud-based technologies provide scalable use-cases to solve these practical challenges and empower an All Electric Society.

Interested in the things we do? Get involved!
We are a growing team and a growing business. Please do not hesitate to contact us and ask whatever comes to your mind. We are always keen to share knowledge and interested in talks around cloud, big data, data analytics, IIoT and all the things connected to innovative technologies and smart approaches.
Feel free to get in touch today!

Mathias Weßelmann
Ask me about:
Phoenix Contact Smart Business GmbH, Proficloud.io and Smart Services in general

Dietmar Knecht
Ask me about:
Business Development, sales questions and everything around Proficloud.io

Robert Bieber
Ask me about:
Device Management Service, Time Series Data Service, technical product development in general.