New Use Case: Phoenix Contact South Africa tackles load shedding challenges with photovoltaic and an innovative energy storage solution
Explore how Phoenix Contact South Africa’s photovoltaic project combines advanced hardware and Smart Services to create a sustainable and reliable energy solution.
Phoenix Contact South Africa has introduced an innovative photovoltaic energy project to address the challenges that come with load shedding, such as their building being left without power. Load shedding, which involves planned power cuts in different areas to prevent a total blackout, has been a significant issue in South Africa.
Phoenix Contact South Africa is committed to sustainability and reliability with their new energy management solutions for their own office building. Using the Time Series Data Service, they monitor and analyze their battery storage system, solar panels, current weather and the building’s energy data. This makes energy consumption transparent and enables targeted efficiency improvements. These advanced technologies not only help reduce costs but also significantly lower the carbon footprint. The photovoltaic system set up by Phoenix Contact South Africa represents a seamless integration of advanced hardware and Proficloud.io Smart Services to ensure sustainable and reliable energy solutions for their office.

Several key components are at the heart of this project. The AXC F 2152 Master Controller andAXL F RS UNI 1H Serial Communications interface provide advanced control and seamless communication with backup diesel generators and solar string monitoring. Robust networking capabilities are ensured by the FL Switch 1008N Ethernet Communications. To optimize energy consumption, the EEM-MA770 energy measurement system meticulously monitors the power grid, inverters and non-essential devices. Reliable power distribution is maintained by the Trio-PS-2G/1AC/24DC/5 24VDC power supplies. Precise performance monitoring and data acquisition are achieved through the SCK-M-I-8S-20A solar panel string monitoring devices and SCK-C-MODBUS PV string monitoring concentrators. Additionally, surge protection devices safeguard the system against electrical surges.
The Time Series Data Service adds a crucial digitalization component to the project. It collects data to gain insights into electricity supply and consumption, continuously monitoring the performance of solar panel strings and sending alerts if performance decreases. The dashboard displays energy consumption, battery charge levels and energy generation over time, aiding in the evaluation of insulation measures and the impact of load shedding.

This integrated approach not only addresses the challenges posed by load shedding but also demonstrates Phoenix Contact’s commitment to sustainability and reliability. The project aims to transform the energy management of their office building through sustainable energy generation and management.
Learn more about our integrated solutions for sustainable energy management by visiting our website.
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