Our goal is to provide a safe and trustworthy platform for all users. Therefore, we have set up a reporting and redress procedure for illegal content.
If you find content on our website that you believe is illegal, you can report it here. We will carefully review your report and make a decision on whether to remove the content.
To submit a report, you will need the following information:
- The URL of the affected content
- A description of the content
- The reasons why you believe the content is illegal
We ask that you follow these guidelines when reporting content:
- Only report content that you believe is illegal.
- Provide as much information as possible to help us review the report.
- Be respectful of other users.
Thank you for helping to make our platform a safe and trustworthy place.
You can always reach out to us at the following e-mail-adress: inbox[at]phoenixcontact-sb.io