Unfortunately, Proficloud.io had an outage in the night from 07/14/2021 to 07/15/2021. The platform has been functional again since ~06:08 UTC. The platform was functional again since ~09:00 UTC.
Affected Services and Components:
- Device Connection: The MQTT(S) Endpoint was affected. All devices were disconnected at ~01:17 UTC. PLCnext controls and EMpro devices may fail to reconnect and require a reboot due to a firmware issue. This will be solved for PLCnext in the next release (2021.6, July 17th). We are also working on a hot-fix release for EMpro.
- Device Management Service: The connection status displayed may differ from the actual one. A reconnect of your device will fix this.
- Time Series Data Service: The Smart Service may have lost some data between ~02:51 UTC and ~09:00 UTC.